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How to determine the efficiency of my boiler?

You can think of boilers as the engines that keep our home's central heating system running. But like all engines, over time, they become less efficient and need to be replaced when they are becoming too expensive to keep. But how do you figure out how efficient your current boiler is? Read this blog post to find out!

energy efficiency bristol

What is a boiler's energy efficiency?

One of the most important factors to consider when getting a new boiler installed is its energy efficiency rating. Energy efficiency was not always guaranteed, and your modern boiler may not be either. Many older boilers are only approximately 70% efficient, however, a recent law has changed in an effort to protect the environment and minimise the quantity of fuel needed to power boilers. In contrast, newer boilers are usually assessed to be 90% efficient and have an efficiency rating of A. 

To give you an idea of what this means in practice, boiler efficiency may vary from A to G, and if you pick Bristol Boiler Man Ltd, for a boiler installation, you can be confident that you will be furnished with an A-rated boiler that's energy-efficient, and will ensure that you're spending as little as possible on your heating bills each month. 

What is my boiler's efficiency rating?

The first step in establishing your boiler's efficiency is to look for a label with an energy efficiency rating on your boiler. This is common on modern boilers since it is frequently mounted on the boiler itself or the container in which the boiler was transported. If you have an older boiler and cannot discover the label, there are a few methods for determining the efficiency rating. 

 Where can I find the efficiency rating of my boiler?

If you have an older boiler, you must figure out what model it is. Simply look behind the boiler, where the pipes come out, and behind the front flap, where the dials are. A little sticker or plate with model information will be displayed. A brand name, such as Worcester Bosch, Ideal, ATAG, Vaillant, Baxi, or any number, will also appear on the label. Along with the brand, there will be a model, which is generally a number corresponding to the boiler's size, such as Worcester Bosch Greenstar 24i. Once you know the model number, you may search it up to find out how efficient it is!